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2001. Fifty toea (50t)
2001. One kina (K1).
2001. Two kina (K2).
2001. Five kina (K5).
2001. Twenty-one kina (K21).
2001. One kina and 10 toea (K1.10).
2001. Man represents K1.10 as neck (11), or equivalent of 11 10t coins.
The man is presented with one kina and ten toea in the form of two 50 toea coins and one ten toea coin. Because of a prior history detailed in the book, the value of 10t is treated as a unit. The man represents the value as gwer or neck (11th position) in the Oksapmin body part counting system, the equivalent of eleven 10 toea coins. For more information, please see my book, Cultural Development of Mathematical Ideas: Papua New Guinea Studies.
Geoffrey Saxe, Cultural Development of Mathematical Ideas: Papua New Guinea Studies